Tuesday, June 14, 2011

lace up those shoes...

Tonight's tribute goes to Nicholas, my adventurous & wise future husband.

(Wow...that feels weird to say)

Although the past 30 days have been spent TV-less, microwave-less, & makeup-less, I have learned two things:

1. Perseverance is a quality that makes for a good person--and ultimately a good marriage.

2. This might have been exactly what I needed before lacing up my sensible shoes and stepping into a new chapter of my/our life.

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About Me

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I am a fine artist currently working mostly in photography & mixed media. I received my BFA in studio art from Maryville University in 2007. I am currently 3 classes from earning my MAT from Lindenwood University. I look forward to sharing a glimpse of my life, love & artwork.