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Recent / Upcoming exhibitions:

Traveling Journal Project. I am participating in this St. Louis Young Women's Caucus for Art's exhibit. Each participant had the journal for 7 days. We committed to making art in the journal on each of those days and sending it on to the next artist. All of the pages were hand-bound into one book. The book traveled to Finlandia University and is now traveling to FloValley Community College to be exhibited in June.(Read about it here:

Agent for change. April 9-28, 2011, GYA 2700 Locust St. Louis, MO

About Me

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I am a fine artist currently working mostly in photography & mixed media. I received my BFA in studio art from Maryville University in 2007. I am currently 3 classes from earning my MAT from Lindenwood University. I look forward to sharing a glimpse of my life, love & artwork.