"You're gonna' put me on the Internet?", he said after I asked him if I could photograph him collecting honey from the hive. Well, only a couple of people actually read my blog, so it's no big thing I answered. Needless to say, he agreed.
His name is Mr. Rick Leatherwood. His family owns Ramblin' Pines--otherwise known as our home away from home for the last 4 months (only 2 of those accompanied by yours truly). The Leatherwoods have been here since 1864. There are approximately190 acres in total he says as we ride through fields boasting wild blackberries & wild asparagus. He lives in a log cabin between the tall trees with his dog, Bud.

"Believe me I've been stung, if you're a beekeeper, you've probably been stung at some point," he says as we approach the wooden boxes that I later discover are the hives.
As he lights the smoker, the most important tool of the trade, I begin to think about the movie "My Girl" (1991) when Vada's best friend dies from an allergic reaction to a bee sting. Maybe this wasn't such a smart idea. I don't recall ever getting stung; I wonder if I am allergic. He did not have an extra bee suit. But he didn't seem worried, so I didn't say anything.
He puffed the smoke all around the hives. "Bees think their hive's on fire, you see, so they go in & eat as much as they can because they must leave."
He carefully pries off the lid, whistling. He peers inside & notices that it is completely full of honey! A great harvest will come from these hives, which is good news because meanwhile the sting bugs have ruined his crop of fruit from the orchard.
The top section (a.k.a. Super) is capped off with wax & incredibly heavy--that is how you know it is ready for harvest. Rick says that each section of this rig will produce approximately 5 gallons of honey.

He leaves me with 2 handmade beeswax candles & a little jar of fresh honey. Phase II will entail a contraption he calls "The Slinger". ((stay tuned))

xoxo - BB
I love that even though I am at the very same campsite, I learned a lot more about the place than I knew before reading this. I fail to see anything about the campgrounds cutest 4th grader. lol We miss you!